Clubs & Contacts

Clubs & Contacts


The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our village. Please find below a list of useful numbers for local clubs, village amenities and local services. Below that general information.

All Saints Church – Fr Martin Harper -Tel: 01424 883408

(Friends of Beckley Church-coffee morning- 1st Tuesday- 10.30-12.30-Village Hall- Mike Hancock 01797 260525)

Beckley Boarding Kennels-01797 260757

Beckley Bowls- 01797 260537

Beckley Community Speed watch Group-

Beckley Cricket Club- 07599175491

Beckley Rangers-football-

Beckley Preschool- Village Hall- term time Mon 9-3 Tues 9-3 Wed 9-1 Fri 9-3- 01797 260 582-

Beckley Primary School- 01797 260 342-

Beckley Players (Am/Dram)- 01797 260898

Brownies & Guides- Thursdays term time- 6.30 pm- Village Hall- 

Dentist- Northiam- 01797 252727Farmers Market – held every 4th Saturday of the month – Village Hall- 10-12pm

Doctors – Northiam Surgery- 01797 252341

History Society- 01797 2602113

Horticultural Society-  01797 260775

Lunch Club- All ages- 2nd Thursday-Village Hall- 12.30- 01797 260720

Parish council -All Welcome- meet every 2nd Tuesday – Village Hall – 7.30pm

Parish Magazine available as a hard copy or online FB page: Beckley and Peasmarsh Church

Rose & Crown Pub- Alice 01797252161Table Tennis- Every Thursday- 9.30-11.30am– Village Hall- 01797 252382

Taekwondo every Wednesday-4.30pm Village Hall- Start from age 5. Petra 01233 642357

Tennis Court- Located at top of the Playing fields free to play if vacant. Bookings can be made via FB page: Beckley Multiuse Games Area or

The Growing Network   1st Saturday of the month 11- 12.30  contact  07857344274

Trefoil 3rd Monday of month –Village Hall- Secretary  01797 260537

Village Hall Hire- 01797 260213  email: 

Vets- Badgers Oak – Northiam 01797 252321

Women’s Institute  – 2nd Monday 7.30pm –Village Hall-01797260450

Yoga- every Friday 9.30-11am –Village Hall- Andy 07913615984

Other Useful Information

Bin Collection-Every Tuesday One week black wheelie following Green recycling further information 01424 787000 Also Brown garden waste bin is chargeable. Contact the same number.

Library– K6 Kiosk on Main Street holds a free book exchange
– Beckley village hall has a selection of books as there are no libraries unless you travel to Rye or Northiam

Post Office-Jempsons in Peasmarsh & Northiam

Cash Points – Jempsons garage and supermarket in Peasmarsh or small Jempsons store in Northiam. (All Jempsons stores close on Sundays)

Facebook pages: Beckley Village Society : Better Beckley Project : Bargains in Beckley (Free selling site)

Businesses in Beckley or very nearby! : Beckley baby & children’s bargains.

This welcome leaflet is sponsored and produced by the Beckley Parish Council. You are invited to attend the monthly meetings (every second Monday of the month-7.30pm- Village Hall) and find out how we care for your village. for a list of currently serving Councillors

CLERK – Mary Philo
Tel 01797 270 790  07932813684